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καλὸς καὶ ἀγαθός è l’espressione che indica l’ideale estetico nella filosofia dell’antica Grecia. Si riferisce alla necessità di prendersi cura dello sviluppo della bellezza, intesa non solo nelle sue qualità visibili, ma in un’accezione più ampia come qualità sensibile dell’animo capace di contenere virtù di giustizia, verità ed etica morale.
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logo Planned and coordinated by: Francesca Trussoni

“what is beautiful is good, and what is good will be nice soon”

 IT | EN | DE | FR | ES

Educational programs

Currently, two main educational programs are active. These two programs have been conceived with the aim to achieve the integration of body harmony with a good quality of thought:

“growth by dancing”
“classical technique for a better health”


Working group

The team working on these projects is composed of experienced psychologists and psychotherapists specialized in childhood and adolescence, ballet classical dancers and teachers.

Scientific and technical competences

The team of professionals working on these programs have a solid knowledge and specific expertise in childhood.

Social responsibility

In accordance with the social purpose of the project, we offer scholarships in order to support both cultural and scientific activities on the territory.

Sharing and human value

Particular attention is given to the development of each child, focusing on a quality criteria through the creation of small groups that can be followed with extreme care.
In accordance with the specific skills of each child, theatrical shows are planned, involving associations active in the field of medicine and child protection.


We are working to realize scientific research protocols aiming at the clinical implementation of these educational programs.


We rely on collaborations with artistic and cultural associations, academic schools of ballet, theaters, institutions and professional firms that support the danzaperlascienza (dance for science) projects and actions.

For more information about schools with active partnership in the development of the projects, please contact: info@danzaperlascienza.it.